How to Pick Your CLE Airport Driver/Company
There is a lot of misinformation out there in regards to the CLE airport, charges , insurance, where to pick up and drop off, etc .
There are many companies , that do not have the proper credentials to actually access the airport and drop off ( lets call them gypsy companies for this article)
Here is the truth : The CLE Airport approves companies based on insurance, compliance and some other factors - here is a list of those companies ( click here ) approved BY CLE airport based on the above factors - below , you will see our company is included in that
Commercial insurance is expensive even for good driving records, so if some company is offering to drive you to the airport fo 25.00, 30 bucks, I would check with the above link to make sure airport has vetted them , and also flat out ask to see their commercial policy
are you and your families safety more important or is saving a couple dollars?
here is more CLE airport information ( click here )