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Q: Where is your business located and what areas do you serve ?

A: We are located in Strongsville Oh approx 7 miles from CLE Airport , We service most of the state of Ohio , and go as far as our clients want, Detroit, Pittsburgh , Columbus, Washington DC , Baltimore, Cincinnati and many places in between 


Q: How is pricing determined ?

A: Pricing is based off distance , except for hourly rides 


Q: Do you provide car seats ? 

A: YES , We have car seats , and booster seats


Q: Do you have commercial insurance, and why is that so important? 

A: Yes, we do have commercial insurance , policy is by Progressive insurance for 1.5 million , its important do to the fact in case of a worse case scenario we are covered , just because someone tells you they have insurance, doesnt mean its the correct insurance , I would ask for ID cards , a couple of extra dollars in the fair is worth the safety for you and your family







Cleveland Hopkins Airport Update  

2/15/19 - After Conference call with the Airport on 2/14/19 - The airport has decided to go back to the original drop off and pick ups on 2/18/19, so as of 2/18/19 we will be permitted to drop off and pick up at arrivals and departures, the 4.00 fee is still in effect -any questions please contact us at

As of Jan 1st 2019 , The Cleveland Hopkins Airport has decided to charge all limo companies/ livery vehicles 4.00 per pick up and drop off in the specific areas. which will be detailed below. We do not agree with these changes for many reasons, main being the hassle the passengers will incur,  but we are in compliance with them. The Airport is requiring certain things from us Puco number, USDOT number, 1.5 million commercial insurance per vehicle, swipe( access card) and window sticker.  


Ultracle USDOT number # is 03220105

Ultracle Puco number # is 605068


We will be dropping off at the old taxi stand- and we will be picking up in the limo/shuttle lot, below is a link to map and the new restrictions that the city of cleveland is putting on the airport 


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